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Welcome to Rathi Art

"Discover, explore, and own artworks that reflect your unique style!"

"Explore endless possibilities of personalized art pieces on my website, where you'll feel warmly invited to discover and purchase one-of-a-kind works of creativity tailored to your unique preferences."

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Home: Welcome


Get To Know Me

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Welcome to my art website! My name is Rathika, and I'm a self-taught artist.

Ever since I was young, I've had a passion for art. I love expressing myself through colors, shapes, and textures. I started out creating doodles and sketches in my spare time, but over the years, I've developed my skills and techniques to become a professional artist.

My art style varies from abstract to realism, and I love experimenting with different mediums such as acrylics, oil paintings, digital art and mixed media. I find inspiration in everyday life and nature, and my art often reflects my deep emotional connection to my surroundings.

Every painting I create is a reflection of my thoughts and feelings. I believe that art is a journey of self-discovery, and my goal is to inspire others on their artistic paths. Whether it's through my paintings or my tutorials, my hope is to share my love of art with the world.

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Home: Portfolio

A Visual Journey

Artist Profile

I'm a self taught artist who has been creating and uploading artworks to my Behance portfolio since 2020. My portfolio encompasses a wide range of mediums, from digital illustrations to oil paintings. What ties my work together is my deep passion for storytelling.

At the heart of my portfolio are works that are a reflection of my innermost thoughts and emotions. Each piece is an attempt to capture a moment in time, to convey a feeling, or to tell a story. From colorful and vibrant digital illustrations to melancholic oil paintings, my portfolio is a collection of diverse pieces that are all unified by their ability to resonate with my viewers on an emotional level.

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“The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of”

Leonardo da Vinci

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